Trademark office Jump

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trademark office


You can order our most chosen services online with ease. Do you prefer personal contact? No problem, just call or email us.


Registration and protection

We do not only register them for you, but we also take care of the trademark protection and look out for ingringement by newer brand names.


More than just filing

And has an infringement occurred, then we will take professional action against it and make sure that your trademark stays fully protected.

In the media

Not only do companies trust us, also big media – like the Telegraaf Media Group – regularly use our services when they have questions about trademarks. In the case of the video on this page, co-owner and founder Maarten Koolen was asked about the rights on a design for a shoe by Rihanna and Puma. Forever21 makes comparable shoes and that’s why Rihanna and Puma have gone to court. Is their case a strong case? Source: Telegraaf Media Groep

Frequently Asked Questions

We are your specialized trademark office and through the combination of low costs and years of experience, we know that our office can help you.

What do we do?

We take care of everything that has to do with trademarks. Not only registering them or creating extra protection for your logo or trade name, but also trademark security. That ensures that your trademark will stay protected even after you deposit it. In addition, offices specialized in trademarks take action against infringement on intellectual property or carry out an opposition procedure against trademarks that are newer than yours, but still want to register themselves. Or when you want to protect a new brand and another party wants to oppose you.

When do you need us?

It’s good you found us. That’s why we will explain you why our experience will ensure that we can perfectly assist and advise you. Because we actually do more than just registering trademarks or assisting with a patent. We also act against trademark infringement. We help all types of organizations with registering their names and logos. We do this in the Netherlands, but also in Europe and worldwide. Unlike many other offices, we can always register within 24 hours worldwide.

What are the costs?

If you’re looking for an international Trademark office you can compare costs. We have also compared these costs. Not because we want to start a race-to-the-bottom, but because we were interested in what other offices charge. Because a lot of companies are actually not official offices for trademarks, but a law firm or a legal advisory office, that simply offer intellectual property as an extra service. We don’t believe in this. If you’re a starter, low costs are maybe the reason to pick another party, but if you’re a more experienced entrepreneur, fees are not always the most important breaking point.

We are always open about our costs. And so, for example, when registering, you always know where you are at costwise. You can always compare our costs with other offices, but we know you will come back to us.

How can you compare?

You can compare on costs, experience, which fees are applied and how many trademarks are registered on a yearly basis. That will give you a good start for comparing. That’s why we offer packages for starters and for experienced entrepreneurs. Sounds unique. And it is. That’s why you can pick a starter package with us, but you can also order extended analyses and investigations by trademark authorities, that will drastically decrease the chance of rejection for your application. However it goes, we are always available for our clients with good and accessible advice and that’s how starters and big companies can compare offices. In the end our pricing and experience will offer one correct conclusion.

When do you have to look for us?

If you want to deposit a trademark, it is recommended to look for an official office for trademarks. But there’s more. Because not every office can assist you in Europe or internationally. We have access to a worldwide network and can therefore quickly and qualitatively advise you internationally. For instance as an office for opposition in the Benelux or Europe and for advice about classes and research into the Trademark register. That makes us a strategic office in Amsterdam, Utrecht, Eindhoven, Breda and Maastricht. In addition, offices specialized in trademarks take action against infringement on intellectual property or carry out an opposition procedure against trademarks that are newer than yours, but still want to register themselves. Or when you want to protect a new brand and another party wants to oppose you. Of course we understand that you still have questions. For example, about our brand agents, lawyers and services in general. So do not be shy and send us an email or call us. We are always ready to answer your questions, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions

Choose a Plan that Works for You

For our most chosen services we have a fixed fee. Only this way you know from the start what you can count on and you won’t experience unpleasant surprises at our office. That’s why we do not use difficult tables and hourly rates that scare you. No, the fixed rates are known from the start. This way you’ll know in a second which package from our office is the right one for your company.